Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor
A little over a decade after the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, more and more examples of remembrance of those who passed have cropped up around the United States and beyond.
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor
A little over a decade after the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, more and more examples of remembrance of those who passed have cropped up around the United States and beyond.
Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor
As any Sweet Charity stagehand could probably attest, it’s all about the people making strides behind the scenes. Silent to the audience but always evident within the creations they influence, these invisible inspirations are the driving force behind any imaginative work. One such under-appreciated muse was Ralph McQuarrie, a conceptual painter who designed some of the most iconic figures in cinema.
Bryn Pennetti
Recording and editing from the comfort of their homes, Seniors Jamie Fairchild, along with Peter Murphy and Norwalk Community College Freshman Stefan Broski, sit at a Mac as they touch up sound tracks and tweak solo parts. In a process that takes weeks, the three students rely on their ears to lead them in the right direction.
On Jan. 10 acclaimed author, Nerdfighter deity, and Courant-tribute-recipient John Green published The Fault in our Stars. Since that fateful day, it has received universal praise from fellow writers and readers alike. Not to mention he signed every freakin’ copy, excluding a few like those at the high school library (my pre-order was signed in green sharpie. I smelled it immediately, like any totally normal person would.)
Kit Clemente
Beginning on Mar. 8 and running through Mar. 10, the high school theater will perform their Spring production, Sweet Charity. The play is based off the original musical movie written by Neil Simon and directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse. It’s the story of a young woman, Charity, who supports herself as a dance call hostess and tirelessly searches for love.