Chloe Rippe Editor of Arts, Entertainment, and Technology In celebration of the senior artists of the class of 2014, the 27th annual NCHS Senior Art
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Artist Profile: Sam Reynolds
Daniel Konstantinovic Reporter Behind a tripod in Waveny Park, senior Sam Reynolds stands with his hand outstretched, giving direction to his actors while he keeps
Playwrights prepare for premiere of Dramafest
Chloe Rippe Editor of Arts, Entertainment and Technology Students playwrights have already written and submitted their scripts to NCHS Theatre coordinator, Dee Alexander for the
Senior Ryan McMahon receives 2014 National Scholastic Art Award
Kaitlyn Sandvik Reporter Students may have seen senior Ryan McMahon’s Connecticut Scholastic Award-winning photograph, “Trapped” in the recent Carriage Barn art exhibit, Through Our Eyes
IPhone case fashion trends
Chloe Rippe Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor Since iPhones have become one of the leading types of mobile devices, iPhone cases have quickly become sought