Kaitlyn Sandvik and Jenny Levine Art, Entertainment and Technology Editors Before rehearsal for the school musical begins, student musicians in the orchestra pit fill the
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Little Women hits the stage
Kaitlyn Sandvik Editor of Arts, Entertainment and Technology The NCHS Theatre Department premiered their adaptation of Little Women this Friday, May 30th at 7:30 and
Artist Profile: Emily Azzarito
Mackenzie Lewis and Katie Donovan Sports Editor and Reporter When it comes to playing an instrument, the saying, “practice makes perfect” can hold special meaning
Latest edition of Spectator on sale now
Jennifer Levine Editor of Arts, Entertainment, and Technology For 43 years, the NCHS Spectator Literary Magazine has been a vehicle for student writers and artists to share
Artist Profile: Olivia Healy
Chloe Rippe Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor Students may know senior Olivia Healy for her unique style, or for the art that she has exhibited