Jenny Levine and Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editors @JALevineCourant and @KSandvikCourant Last night marked the finale to the three-part Battle of the Bands
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
A look into what it takes to be apart of The Norwalk Youth Symphony
Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment, Technology Editor @JALevineCourant On a rainy Sunday afternoon, sleep deprived high school students gather at Norwalk City Hall, which also doubles
Artist Profile: Jessica Dantas
Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, Technology Editor @ksandvikcourant From behind the lens of her Canon camcorder, junior Jessica Dantas brings her artistic muses to life. The
Behind the scenes of Charlie Brown
Sam Stoner Reporter @sstonercourant While many theater students are working hard to memorize lines for their Charlie Brown characters, other students are spending hours to
“The Art of the Dream” gallery illustrates a student look at surrealism
Molly Keshin Reporter @mollykCourant Melted clocks and faces covered in apples line the NCHS main entrance. Taxis driving on water and people walking up the