Kaitlyn Sandvik & Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment, Technology Editors @ksandvik @jalevinecourant Audrey Kirkpatrick has spent the better years of her life sitting on the floor
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Artist brief: Marina Abramovic, “the grandmother of performance art”
Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, Technology Editor @ksandvikcourant An unorthodox medium of art emerged during the early 1970s to counter cultural norms, this movement was pioneered
The Noise: FULL OF HELL – Full of Hell & Merzbow
John Bemis Reporter @bemiscourant There has never been a discography more thoroughly debated in it’s legitimacy as music than that of Japan’s Masami Akita, better
Cinefiles: Star Wars, Mad Max, Jurassic World, James Bond release intense new trailers and info
Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment and Technology @JALevineCourant Another week, another round of trailers for soon-to-be blockbusters. Personally I’m psyched for Star Wars, JJ Abrams hasn’t
The Noise: Dream Police – Hypnotized
John Bemis Reporter @bemiscourant Tenacity is essential to any modern musical act. Beyond evident in their discography, musical tag-team Mark Perro and Nick Chiericozzi have