Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment and Technology Editor @JALevineCourant Although the immensely successful Tech Night might seem like the height of tech related accomplishments this school year,
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Artist Brief, Special Edition: Petra Collins, “The Teenage Gaze” and Feminism
Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor @ksandvikcourant Toronto’s homegrown photographer, part time filmmaker, and frequent contributor to Rookie Magazine, Petra Collins, is a master
NCHS graduates wander into the filmmaking world
Gretchen McCarthy, Reporter @GretchenCourant With Career Night behind us, NCHS students are beginning to look around them for ideas and inspiration about various careers.
Film Club premieres New Age Film Festival this May
Emma Nolan, Reporter @emman_courant Spring at NCHS not only means time for new sports games and musicals, but it also gives students opportunities for
A night of rock n roll, original music, and charity at NCHS coffee house
Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment and Technology Editor @JALevineCourant Tonight was a night dedicated to good music, good coffee, and all for a good cause. The