Gretchen McCarthy, Reporter @GretchenCourant When people think of Spain the first thing that comes to mind are bullfighters wearing long red capes and soccer players
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
NCHS Senior Art Show, “Level Up!” Preview
Carolyn Kemp, Reporter @ckempcourant The 28th annual senior art show, “Level Up!” is opening on Thursday April 23 and will be showing through June 8.
A talk with the TechXperts
Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment and Technology Editor @JALevineCourant Although the immensely successful Tech Night might seem like the height of tech related accomplishments this school year,
Artist Brief, Special Edition: Petra Collins, “The Teenage Gaze” and Feminism
Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor @ksandvikcourant Toronto’s homegrown photographer, part time filmmaker, and frequent contributor to Rookie Magazine, Petra Collins, is a master
NCHS graduates wander into the filmmaking world
Gretchen McCarthy, Reporter @GretchenCourant With Career Night behind us, NCHS students are beginning to look around them for ideas and inspiration about various careers.