John Bemis Blogs Editor @bemiscourant Rap collective Odd Future’s cultish following has furthered the career’s of many so-so artists, but none more so than Tyler.
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Dramafest to reboot this Thursday
This Thursday, April 30, the annual Drama Festival will bring the works of student playwrights to life. The festival will run through Saturday with tickets
The Noise: What’s up with all that Jazz?
John Bemis Blogs Editor @bemiscourant Well, it’s Jazz appreciation month. The month of April has become a time for musicians and listeners alike to
Why Spanish food is the best food
Gretchen McCarthy, Reporter @GretchenCourant When people think of Spain the first thing that comes to mind are bullfighters wearing long red capes and soccer players
NCHS Senior Art Show, “Level Up!” Preview
Carolyn Kemp, Reporter @ckempcourant The 28th annual senior art show, “Level Up!” is opening on Thursday April 23 and will be showing through June 8.