Olivia West, Reporter@oliviawcourant The theatre department’s spring musical, Legally Blonde, had its opening night on May 31 and had two more shows on June 1.
Category: Arts & Tech
Read about recent NCHS art and performances.
Students perform at Poetry Fest 2019
Charles Brossy, Reporter@cbrossycourant Poetry Fest is an annual open mic poetry celebration run by the English Department. This year, it happened Tuesday, April 30th at
Students show off their writing skills in the first ever power of the pen competition
Natalie Lopez, Executive Editor @nlopezcourant Sophomores Neya Krishnan and Elena Unger, and freshman Gabby Streinger, won the Power of the Pen competition orchestrated by English
Students showcase their talents at the annual Coffee House
Eva Spangler, Reporter @espanglercoura1 Often times, hidden talents at the high school go unshowcased, but this is not the case at the Charity Link Coffee
7th annual Through Our Eyes exhibit opens at the Carriage Barn this Monday
Beginning this Monday, March 11, student art will be shown at the Carriage Barn Art Center in the Through Our Eyes exhibit. Continuing until March