NCHS to host Career Night Tuesday, March 19

NCHS to host Career Night Tuesday, March 19

Charles Brossy, Reporter


This Tuesday, March 19th from 6-9 pm, NCHS will host a Career Night where students get an opportunity to hear from speakers in certain professions. This event is held every two years, and is required from all seniors who will be going on internships this spring. This year the speakers include the Founder and Former CEO of Shazam, Former CEO of Time Inc., Chief Information Officer for Sony Music, EVP of Marketing for ESPN & The Walt Disney Company, Chief Commercial Officer of JetBlue, Sports Performance Dietitian for the Boston Red Sox, an award winning composure and music producer, a Broadway actress, and the State’s Attorney.

“We are taking a new slant this year by concentrating on aptitudes rather than just having experts in different categories,” said Susan Carroll, one of the founders of the original Career Night in 2000 and a college and career counselor. “Aptitudes are your superpowers that your brain is born with as opposed to skills which are something you can acquire.”

“Most kids are following in their parents footsteps so why not look at a whole lot of different fields which your aptitudes and your skills can best suit you,” Ms. Carroll said.

“Half of the jobs that are going to be available out of college when you students do, aren’t even created yet. New jobs are on the rise and it’s present students jobs to fill them,” Ms. Carroll said. “It’s a great night to get a glimpse of what your future holds for you.”

This Tuesday, students, will arrive at 6 pm, check in, and proceed to the cafeteria for a brief reception. At 6:30 pm students and speakers alike attend a keynote address in the auditorium on the science behind aptitudes and their connection to successful careers.  At 7 pm the first panel sessions begin and run until 7:45 pm. A second round of panel sessions begin at 8 pm. Students can attend any 2 of 10 career panels. The panel categories are: Advertising & Marketing; Business; Communications; Creative & Performing Arts; Hands On; Law & OPrder; Medicine & Healthcare; Social Sciences; and STEM. The event concludes at 9 pm. “I hope to see everybody here and we hope to make it the best one yet,” Ms. Carroll said.

The Co-Chairs of this years Career Night are Gretchen Russell and Kristen O’Connor. Any questions should be directed to them at or