Brooke Holland, Reporter

For most students, November is a month busy with schoolwork and the countdown to Thanksgiving break. However, some people prefer to jump over the food filled holiday to focus on the Christmas hype. Major chain stores have taken on the Christmas spirit by broadcasting commercials showing off their low prices for clothing, jewelry, and many other giftable items.
Is all of this happening too soon? Will people run out of their holiday cheer before the magical night of Christmas Eve?
Freshman Matthew Brand thinks that starting the Christmas season before Thanksgiving is excessive. “A lot of people put their lights and decorations up way too early,” he said. “You still need to make it through Thanksgiving before thinking about Christmas,” he said.
However, junior Gwyneth Thalacker feels as though it’s never too early to start celebrating the Christmas holiday. “I don’t view it as excessive because it’s all about what makes you happy,” she said. “If you feel the magic and spirit, feel free to express it.”
Sophomore Cassie Kane talked about what makes the Christmas holiday special to her. “My favorite part about it is the social aspect. I get to do things with my friends like Secret Santa,” she said.
What students look forward to most during the holiday season are the little things, like special family traditions. Senior Mike Cognetta believes that some of his family’s classic holiday events are what make this time of year special. “My family decorates after Thanksgiving and has a big get together,” he said. “We’ll have people dress up as Santa and come in, it’s a fun tradition for us.” Whether dressed up like Santa or exchanging secret gifts, students agree that they enjoy the traditional Christmas events throughout the holiday season.