Campus vandalized with spray paint

Photo by Emily Greene

Staff Report

Update 2:48 p.m.

According to published reports, New Canaan police are seeking arrest warrants for five Darien High School football players who are believed to be connected with the incident.

Original Story

As students walked into the school this morning, they noticed blue spray paint on door handles and throughout the campus. Some other places around the school such as Dunning Stadium were also vandalized.

The school administration is working with the New Canaan Police Department to find the suspects. “As soon as people arrived this morning, the police were called and the administration started looking into this,” Assistant Principal Ari Rothman said.  “We called the Darien administration, some of them came over and we looked at the video tapes we have around the school.  The Darien administration has taken this seriously and has acted as we would act if we thought this was something our students had done.”

When asked if the person or people responsible will pay for the damages, Mr. Rothman said the matter was still undecided. “Whether whoever is found to have done this will have to provide restitution will be discussed later on,” he said.  “This may also be a police matter, as it was vandalism.”

Mr. Rothman also warned against retaliation.  “Even though I made an announcement warning our students about any kind of retaliation, I know our students are just as disgusted by this as the staff is and would not think of stooping this low.”

Administrators addressed the student body about the matter twice during the half day of school through verbal announcements. Assistant Principal Ari Rothman made the first message at 8:30 a.m., saying the matter was being looked into and the police had been contacted. At 11:15 a.m. Assistant Principal Dawn Bartz echoed Mr. Rothman’s earlier message. “We really want to deal with this the right way,” she said. “We want our students to do us proud at the game tomorrow.”

The Turkey Bowl, scheduled for tomorrow at Darien High School, is expected to be well attended by New Canaan fans. While the vandalism took senior football co-captain Joe Costigan by surprise, he sees it as a source of inspiration. “I thought of it as a great tool for motivating our team,” he said.

“Kids will come more fired up,” Joe said. “It’s definitely something to play for.”

This story will be updated throughout the day once more information is released.

Photos by Emily Greene

4 thoughts on “Campus vandalized with spray paint

  1. Five guys do not define our student body.

    I’m going to be real with you guys, our school is just as disgusted with these acts as you are. We are all beyond ashamed and embarrassed by these actions. I think that the appropriate actions were made by our administration. We are all extremely upset by these and it definitely put a bad taste into all of our mouths.

    I hope that tomorrow we remember what we are there for – to witness great football. Both teams have had amazing seasons! Tomorrow should be a fun and enjoyable day.

    I hope that NC students realize that it is only five guys behind this and the entire student body is extremely ashamed of these events. Not one person is proud of these actions. I just want NC to know that. I hope that tomorrow can be a fun day. Happy Thanksgiving to all

  2. Everybody is quite disappointed here in Darien. The vandals have been appropriately dealt with. Their football lockers were cleaned out immediately and they will be banned from attending tomorrow. This is such a stupid, senseless thing. They have let down their teammates, their parents, and their fans here in Darien who were so proud of them and their accomplishments this year.

    I’m sure your team will be fired up tomorrow, but our team will be too after all the bad publicity. Hoping for an incident free event.

    Press full charges and make the vandals pay for their crime, both monetarily and with required community service.

  3. I appreciate your comments., however it only takes one to spoil something for all!!!!

    Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of riverly between NC and Darien, ashame! Because you are sooo much alike

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