36 Years of the Holiday Assembly

Whitney Gulden

“The holiday assembly used to be called ‘Cacophony of Sound’, don’t ask me how to spell it,” Attila Levai said. Mr. Levai has been teaching at NCHS for 36 years now, and his first year teaching was also the first year of the now traditional holiday assembly.

“Ultimately the holiday assembly is a showing of mostly student musical talents,” he said. “Over the years…

New chapter for student and librarian relationship

Emma Hutchins
Features Editor

You’re at a table in the library with a few friends when you pop open that Izze you bought during second lunch, and suddenly a librarian is at your side. Busted. Moments like these lead some students to feel a strained relationship with librarians. “There’s definitely some tension in the interactions with librarians,” said sophomore Jack Neuhaus.

Junior Carly* agrees, “I generally would say librarians and students are not on the best terms…”

Lions and tigers and bears, Oh my!

Dorothy, Toto, and her faithful band of ‘Ozian’ friends followed the yellow brick road into the NCHS auditorium for opening night of The Wizard of Oz on Thursday.

Despite the absence of sophomore lead, Allie Potenza, the cast, crew, and orchestra pulled together to produce an outside opening performance. Stage Manager and Assistant Director senior Abigail Schwarz stepped in to play Wicked Witch of the West…