Superintendent search impacting students’ education

Tyler Kendall

Since Superintendent of Schools David Abbey announced his retirement on Oct. 12, a Superintendent Search Committee has been set up to make a decision regarding his successor. This committee set out to hire a search firm to help conduct the hunt. The committee has urged the community to take an active role in the decision making, too. Several Focus groups and an online survey were made available to all public school faculty, residents and students.

Who is Nick Depuy?

Tyler Kendall

Sitting across from senior Nick Depuy effects your mood. His passion for music is unreal, his songs are nurtured with so much care its almost tangible, and of course we all know he can perform. His signature calm, nonchalant mood and 6’6’’ ambiance tells a story beyond the accomplished musician we all know and bet one day is going to make it big.

Get your homework groove on

Tyler Kendall

Settling down in a personal cubicle in the library’s quiet section, you reach into your backpack and grab the usual: pencils, paper, textbook. Then you see your iPod. This is the moment of truth. Do you need your music to study? You either grab the device or opt to leave it where it is; saving your listening time for when you’re running down South Avenue or lounging after school. For some, studying with music is a vital component.

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