Following the fads

Sara Levine
Part of growing up means copying the fads, even the ones that make you cringe years later. We traced a few of the infamous trends of our time, from the year we were born to the present. Scroll down our Facebook timeline and reminisce on what you previously would do anything for.

Do you see what I see? Using visualization to observe art

Sara Levine

As I mindlessly flipped through a men’s magazine, I came across a clay skeleton lounging on a white couch. The title read, “Urs Fischer Conquers the Art World.” Cool. Then I flipped the page and came across a picture that sparked my memory: a two story, yellow teddy bear in front of a New York City office building.

Though I don’t remember where I was going when I first experienced this sight, I definitely remember the bear. It was one of those experiences that is just ingrained in your memory without reason. It intrigued me in those few seconds, but then I kept walking without looking back.

Oscar Trends: In and Out

Kate Howard & Sara Levine

We couldn’t imagine anything topping the Angelina Jolie leg that made up the 2012 Oscars. Boy, were we proven wrong. From crazy hair to JLaw’s trip up the stairs to the controversial musical theme, this year’s event was one to remember. In the style of The Clique series, we’ve made the 2013 Oscars In and Out List.

Read this if you’ve felt personally victimized by….

Sara Levine
All you have to do is stroll through the lounge to hear about weekend hookups, and all the emotional shrapnel associated with them, to understand the nature of this war. For instance, as soon as a girl, involved in the aforementioned extracurricular activities, gets up and leaves, both the conversation and mood completely flips. Suddenly, all anyone can talk about is what a hoe she is. No word is ever mentioned about the guy in the situation, only the girl’s tight dress and attitude that screams “asking for it.”

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