Reilly O’Neill, Reporter @RONeillCourant Calling all seniors and juniors who will be turning 18 by November of 2016! Today at lunch the League of Women
Author: Reilly O'Neill
Blogs Editor I Class of 2018 I Expanding my knowledge of how journalists investigate stories and how to work with a variety of people
Under my skin: Life as a skinny girl
Reilly O’Neill @RONeillCourant I have been skinny my entire life. Now don’t go thinking I’m bragging about my amazing tiny waist with voluptuous bust and
National Women’s Month 2016: Women’s rights through the ages
Reilly O’Neill, Reporter @RONeillCourant Women’s History month is celebrated in the U.S, Canada, and the U.K. It’s origins in the US started in 1911, when
Tech Review: Amazon Kindle Fire HD
Reilly O’Neill, Reporter @RONeillCourant With the rise of Apple products being featured in just about everything, and IPhones being popped out quicker than microwave pizzas,
Boxed Water: the greatest thing since canned bread?
Reilly O’Neill, Reporter @RONeillCourant High school is a wonderful time of self expression and discovery, or at least that’s what the movies say. What the