Moobella machines are newest cafeteria craze

Maureen Dinnie
Senior Editor

Earlier this month, students were introduced to the Moobella Machine, which serves as a quick and simple ice cream maker.

The Moobella Machine, created by Bruce Ginsberg in 2001, claims to be a new innovation in the world of ice cream. In three easy steps, the buyer chooses a flavor and a topping with a push of a button. The machine then takes 40 seconds to produce the fresh cup of ice cream into the hand of the buyer.

NCHS is the first high school to try out the Moobella Machine. Moobella was first installed destinations were Yale University and Yale Hospital, both in New Haven.

Students spend summer around the world

Maureen Dinnie
Senior Editor

Summer is a time for relaxation, a time for students who spend 10 months of the school year stuck inside with homework and projects to finally get some rest. But for a few students, the summer held different, more active plans. Summer pre-college programs are common in high schools, drawing interest from a couple of students each year.There are many different reasons why students are drawn by these programs across the country. For senior Elbek Abasov, who participated in the NYU Pre-college program in New York City, the interest in the program began early. “I really wanted to start getting a feel for college and split away from the whole high school feeling and start doing my own thing,” Elbek said.