Gracie Castle
Senior Katie Melland has taken a different approach to her AP art assignments. Instead of following the norm, Katie decided to make hats and wigs for her main focus.
Gracie Castle
Senior Katie Melland has taken a different approach to her AP art assignments. Instead of following the norm, Katie decided to make hats and wigs for her main focus.
Gracie Castle
In the morning, junior Harriet Prior walks down the hallway with a coffee cup in her hand. After school she walks behind the counter at Zumbach’s. For Harriet, coffee is an essential part of her day. “I drink coffee every single morning. I can’t get through the day without at least one cup or else I crash,” she said.
Gracie Castle Reporter For NCHS football fans, Sunday Dec. 2 was the last time they’d be rooting on the Rams during the 2012 season. In