Scarring Childhood Moments

Lizzy Burke

Features Editor

Childhood is a time for change, because each day, we grow and experience new things. However, some of these experiences may not have always been the most pleasant. Every high school student has had their fair share of embarrassing or traumatizing incidents in those pre-pubescent years. Flannery O’Connor once said, “Anybody who has survived his childhood has enough information about life to last him the rest of his days.” For one of your fellow classmates, this scare to their survivalcame at the ripe age of nine years old.

Students gain experiences traveling abroad

Lizzy Burke
Features Editor

Summer is a time for travel, and for many students a time to go abroad. Teen programs have become more common in recent years, where students travel with a group like ARCC or Overland to international locations and experience the culture. “The one thing I gained most was confidence,” sophomore Devin Selvala said of her trip to Barcelona. “I dove in head first and ended up having a blast.”

Parking wars: a fight for space

Lizzy Burke
Features Editor
Sara is one of the hundreds of students who are constantly navigating around the strict parking laws here at the high school. Segregated parking is not a new trend for New Canaan High School, but recently there have been many complaints about the severe punishment and conflict it presents.