Tech Night accommodating all subjects

Kelsey Anspach
News Editor

Tonight the fourth annual Technology Night will be held in the cafeteria. The event, which is open to anyone who wishes to attend, gives students and teachers an opportunity to showcase how they use technology in and outside of the classroom to enhance learning.

While the event was first created as an opportunity for teachers to showcase how they use technology in their classrooms, it has become much more than that…


Kelsey Anspach
News Editor

Today, a selected group of seniors will take the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Exam. According to Assistant Principal Ari Rothman, the exam is often referred to as “the nation’s report card.”

The exam, run by the U.S. Department of Education, is taken by students aged 9, 13, and 17 in public schools across the country. Each school that is chosen to take the test is given one of multiple subject tests which aim to report on subject-matter achievement, instructional experience, and school environment. This year, seniors here will take a writing assessment…

NAEP exam on Thursday

This Thursday, Jan. 28th, a group of seniors will take the National Assessment of Education Progress Exam (NAEP). According to Assistant Principal Ari Rothman, the exam is often referred to as “the nation’s report card.” The exam is run by the U.S. Department of Education, and its results are used to collect data on a national basis. This year, seniors will take a writing assessment.

Senior Breakfast and a little guidance

Emily Greene
News Editor

Tomorrow there will be a mandatory senior breakfast. Seniors will be excused from classes from 8-10:30 to learn about the transition from high school to college and life in college.

The first part of the event will take place from 8-9:15 in the College and Career Center. Members of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools David Abbey, and a select cross-section of freshman college students will be chosen to represent different kinds of colleges and universities…

Civics project: spirit week brings unity or competition?

In homeroom classes on Dec. 9, senior Lindsay Coburn will be surveying students’ opinions about school unity for her Civics project. She aims to gather student views on underclassmen/upperclassmen relations and whether Spirit Week activities bring school community or inter-class competition. “It will be discussion based,” she said. “Students will talk about if they feel everyone in the school gets along or whether there’s a divide between grades and certain clubs…”