Doug Farrenkopf to retire at the end of this year

Isabel Lawrence
News Editor
After 31 years of teaching at NCHS, history teacher Douglas Farrenkopf has annouced that he will retire at the end of this year. Mr. Farrenkopf is also the director of the Afternoon Instructrional Program as well as summer school and the creator of the Greater New Canaan Enrichment Program.

53rd Annual Senior Post Prom

Isabel Lawrence and Emily Jackson
News Editor & Reporter

The 53rd annual Senior Post Prom headed by post prom committee members Colleen Baldwin and Sharon Driscoll will be held tonight at Waveny as a final memory for the class of 2012. With games, prizes and a top secret theme the post prom tradition carries on, acting as a safe place for seniors and their dates can finish the night.

Scholarship Sunday raised over $29,000

Emily Brand and Isabel Lawrence

On Sunday, Mar. 26, NCHS will host the annual scholarship drive where students go door to door to raise money for scholarships that will send their classmates to college. While all contributions, including those from businesses and families, are appreciated, student involvement can make or break the program. To get involved, students can sign up at a table in the cafeteria from Mar. 20-24. A ‘pep-rally’ will also be held on the 24th and is meant to encourage kids to come out and help raise more money each year.