Godfather, Jaws, Lassie? How to define a classic film

Charlie Dorf & Francesca DeRosa
Arts and Entertainment Editors

The art of painting has been around for thousands of years, and yet debate still rages over what is a truly “classic” piece. Some claim the works of El Greco or Raphael, while others counter with Picasso and Dali. Film, on the other hand, has been around scarcely a century, but debate over what defines a classic movie ranges just as widely as the debate over its artistic ancestors.

Eleventh Annual Band Festival

Francesca DeRosa
Arts & Entertainment Editor

This Tuesday, the eighth graders of Saxe Middle School band took to the NCHS stage alongside their older counterparts, following the schools’ eleven-year tradition. The ensembles first played separately (one song by the eighth graders and five by the high school students) then came together, 123 people in all, for the last two pieces.

Stewart Taylor on the road to Hollywood

Francesca DeRosa
Arts & Entertainment Editor

Pursuing a dream takes hard work, long hours and a great deal of perseverance. Senior Stewart Taylor is very aware of this, but it has not stopped him from chasing the bright lights of Hollywood. Since the age of seven he has been actively involved with student and summer drama programs and writing his own songs. He hopes to turn this passion for music into a career.