Emilia Savini Features Editor @ESaviniCourant Pulling into the parking lot at 7:26 am, he anxiously recited chemical formulas that he needed to memorize for a
Author: Emilia Savini
Eleventh grade student and Features Editor of the Courant alongside Madeleine Gertsen. Follow me on twitter for updates on the latest stories featured online and in the print issue of the Courant @ESaviniCourant.
Courant speaks with new Principal of NCHS: William D. Egan
Emilia Savini Features Editor @ESaviniCourant This past Wednesday, March 17, a press release from the New Canaan Board of Education (Superintendent’s Office) announced the next
2015 YG Mission Trip Wrap-up
Emilia Savini @ESaviniCourant Features Editor The NCHS Courant spoke with YGers before they embarked on their 2015 mission. To learn more about the trip’s objective
Preview to Youth Group’s Annual February Service Trip
Emilia Savini @ESaviniCourant Features Editor While most students will be spending February break lounging on a tropical beach vacation or sitting home in the cold
How do you holiday in New Canaan?
By Gracie Castle and Kate McMahon (Click to enlarge image)