Charlie Dorf I have, even since I was a little child, never been a big fan of Disney movies (not to be confused with Pixar
Author: chucklebass
Thoughts on the Oscars
Catherine Chiocchi and Charlie Dorf
Arts Editor and Reporter
The 82nd Annual Academy Awards aired Sunday night, despite contract disputes between cablevision and ABC that led to the temporary suspension of the channel. The big winner of the evening was The Hurt Locker, which took home Best Picture along with 5 other Oscars.
We felt it necessary to post our reactions to our Oscar picks outlined on page 14 of the latest issue of the Courant. However, we would first like to comment on the overall quality of the award ceremony itself. The energy of the hosts, presenters, and opening act featuring Neil Patrick Harris (Starship Troopers bug psychic anyone?) was much grander and more entertaining than in previous years. A tip of the hat to the Academy.
And now the answer everyone has been waiting for…
The Crazies: A satisfying remake that should serve as an example for future zombie flicks
Charlie Dorf
Over the past several years, a number of zombies have come to the bog screen in films ranging from hilarious (“Zombieland,” “Shaun of the Dead) to scary and well-done (“28 Days Later”) to down-right awful (“Dawn of the Dead”).
Going into “The Crazies” I was pretty sure it would fall under the latter category. Like 2004’s “Dawn of the Dead,” it was a remake of a George Romero film (the father of zombie films), and I feared “The Crazies” would be equally brutalized. However, I was happy to have been proven wrong…
Avatar Review: A solid sci-film but falls short of the classics
Charlie Dorf
When one thinks of an “epic” film, such classics as the original Star Wars trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, and the first two Terminator films directed by James Cameron spring to mind. These films utilized the newest technology, created an original and engrossing universe, and brought to screen some of the best action and war scenes of all time…
NC Sound fundraises for African elementary school
Charlie Dorf
A years ago, the NCHS Madrigal choir visited South Africa for two weeks. For a whole day during that trip, the choir visited the Eukangala School. Here, where they viewed a concert by the school’s choir. They had no instruments and only had a student conductor. However, their performance was not only phenomenal, but moving for several NCHS students.
Upon returning to NCHS, then senior Olivia Costigan formed NC Sound, a student-run acapela singing group dedicated to raising money for the Eukangala School. The main facet of the group is that they sing music that the singers themselves want to sing. Current seniors Jelani Alladin, Nick Larson, and Charlotte Fager also voyaged to South Africa with the Madrigal choir, and joined Olivia in the formation of the group last year…