App of the Week: Plague Inc.

Bryn Pennetti
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

Have you ever wanted to create a disease and spread it to millions of people? Thousands of others have had the same need as Apple users begin spreading their personally created diseases on the app Plague Inc.

Painting the path to art school

Bryn Pennetti

For some students, thinking about applying to college provides a sinking feeling in their gut. But besides the forms and interviews, students wishing to attend an art school have a whole different nerve-wracking experience. With thousands applying to major art schools each year, and only a few hundred getting in, the portfolio is the deciding factor.

Breakout band to release new EP spring of 2012

Bryn Pennetti

Recording and editing from the comfort of their homes, Seniors Jamie Fairchild, along with Peter Murphy and Norwalk Community College Freshman Stefan Broski, sit at a Mac as they touch up sound tracks and tweak solo parts. In a process that takes weeks, the three students rely on their ears to lead them in the right direction.

Hidden Calories in the Cafeteria: Do You Know What You’re Eating?

Bryn Pennetti

Since elementary school, rumors about school lunches have spread from mentions of rubber hot dogs to 400 calorie cookies. But do students actually know what’s in their grab-and-go cafeteria foods?

The NCHS cafeteria serves varied breakfast and lunch foods ranging from ice cream to prepared sandwiches. Though every day the cafeteria is crowded with hungry teens, the most students tend to know about the food is the name and what condiments can go with it.