Alexandra Harte, Reporter @aharte_courant On Thursday May 24, Junior Conor West, his parents and Assistant Principal David Gusitsch attended a luncheon at the Aqua Turf
Author: Alexandra Harte
I am a senior at New Canaan High School and Editor-in-Chief of the Courant. My more popular works have been my "Hope in the Midst of Quarantine" blog and feature story "In Sickness and in Health". In my free time, I am part of the NCHS theatre program and have participated in 8 shows, two of which I choreographed. I love science and plan on pursuing it as a Genetics/Genomics major at UC Davis next year.
Beneficial Blisskuits
Alexandra Harte, Reporter @aharte_courant This fall, 23 students in New Canaan began Independent Study projects. Some chose to learn a new language while others wrote
Post-Midterm Feels
Alexandra Harte, Reporter @aharte_courant Post-midterms: the ultimate education slump. Everyone is worn out and ready for February break, dreading the four more weeks of work.
How Well Do You Really Know the Turkey Bowl?
Alexandra Harte, Reporter @aharte_courant Despite the crisp, freezing cold air on Thanksgiving, the sound of excited screams and cheers could still be heard bouncing off