Xander Walther, Head of Video @xanderwcourant Your laptop that carried you through middle school not cutting it anymore? Now you’re determined to be the best
Author: Alexander Walther
Xander Walther is the junior Head of Video and reporter for the Courant. He spends time assisting with editing and filming video stories, bonus videos, and independent projects. Xander also has experience with high-level microphones, audio mixing, and music. He also holds four freshman cross country records and placed 48th at the Junior Olympic cross country regionals as a freshman.
These students have secret talents you would not have expected
Xander Walther, Reporter @xanderwcourant A master with a Pioneer DJ board. He knows how to manipulate music using pad modes and platters along with a
Field athletes: unsung heroes of the winter track team
@xanderwcourant Winter track is one of the largest teams that athletes join this season. Cross country runners choose to spend their winter seemingly doing tough