Catherine Burges, News Editor
Jack Jensen, Reporter
Barbara Lapolla, a familiar face to students and staff, will be retiring in December after over 25 years of working in the attendance office. She has been a staple of this school, interacting with families and students at the attendance office and helping others who have joined the office in the past few years. She will be missed by many, and the administration and secretarial staff feel that she has left a footprint in their office for the years to come.

Assistant Principal Ari Rothman spoke on Mrs. Lapolla’s impact of the office and how she was a role model for her job and others. ‘’Mrs. Lapolla has been here the entire time I’ve been here for about 17 years,” said Mr. Rothman. “She is good to people, she knows her stuff and she just makes my life and my job a lot easier. She’s like everybody’s mother, someone who is warm, very kind, and through what she does she is, and will always be, a major part of the school. She has truly defined the job.”

Mary Cognetta, administrative assistant to the principal, who worked in the office with Ms. Lapolla, also spoke about what Ms. Lapolla means to her. ‘’Mrs. Lapolla is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met, and she taught me everything that I need to know to run the attendance office here,” said Ms. Cognetta. “She taught me the importance of not only getting work done but doing it with a smile on your face and always being willing to help anyone who needs it. She’s the sweetest soul.”

In the main office, Lynda Pescatello is a friend of Ms. Lapolla and also spoke about their relationship. ‘’Mrs. Lapolla has been here for more than 20 years and has taught us so much about respect and about how to interchange with people,” said Ms. Pescatello. “I think that because of her I’ve become a better person, and she really makes my job a lot easier. Everyone likes to go to her if they have any questions. She is a rock star and a team-player here in New Canaan’’.

Mary Claire Snediker, who worked closely with Ms. Lapolla in the attendance office, spoke about how Ms. Lapolla made her recent transition to the job much easier. “She is the type of person who, no matter how busy and crazy it gets in the attendance office, is always such a joy to be around,” said Ms. Snediker. “She brightens everyone’s day, and is caring, selfless and a hard worker. She is so generous with her time and always goes out of her way to get to know people.”
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