Samantha Axon, Sports Editor
Tara Chugh is a freshman squash player who is the top player on the girls’ team. She has played squash competitively for 5 years, and is currently 39th nationally.

Photo by Jake Neuberger
What encouraged you to take up squash and when?
“In 4th or 5th grade my sister went to a different school and she had to play a winter sport. She chose to play squash since my dad played, and so I was inspired by her playing.”
What have been your biggest accomplishments in the sport since you started playing?
“I have been able to get into the finals in a couple of tournaments, and have received a few silvers. I have not won tournaments in my age group a lot, but a few weekends ago I got to the finals of the Connecticut regionals.”

Photo by Jake Neuberger
What motivates you to continue playing?
“I have a lot of friends that I have made through the sport, which make me want to keep playing better. Plus my coaches and family want me to continue to get better and better.”
What separates squash from other sports?
“I like that in squash you can practice by yourself. You can push yourself as much as you want since you can practice individually. I can improve as much as I want; I am in control of my success.”
What is your most memorable experience?
“My most memorable experience was the finals of the second silver tournament that I was in. I played the exact same girl that I had lost to earlier, yet was able to beat her that time.”
Where do you see squash taking you in the future?
“I plan to continue squash all through high school. If the sport can take me through college, then that would always be a positive.”