Andie Carroll

Junior swimmer Lizzy Colwell has made a splash on the NCHS swim team. Gliding off the wall and cutting through the water, she has led her team in the pool. With her record-breaking times throughout the state and her first place finish at Y-Nationals, Lizzy has gone into the swim season with many milestones.
David Fine, boys and girls swim and dive coach at the high school, noted her outstanding accomplishments. “She holds a bunch of records for our school individually as well as state records and FCIAC records just after her first two years as a freshman and sophomore,” he said. “She has been all-FCIAC, all-State and all-American as a freshman and sophomore.”

This year, Lizzy embraced the season with the goal to begin to improve her times for her various events, as well as try out new ones. “I am trying to broaden all of my events and trying to make myself more rounded as a swimmer, so this year in FCIACs I am doing events that are not necessarily my best,” she said. “I have to go in with confidence, because that is the only way I can win.”
Mr. Fine also wants to see Lizzy expand her range of events to build her skills beyond her talent. “Talent can take you a certain way, but you also need technique, strategies, mental composure and discipline,” he said. “All those things is what will make you a champion.”
As her long time coach, Mr.Fine commented on her ability to perform in important meets such as Y-Nationals. “Lizzy went into those races, listened to her coaches, listened to what they had to say and did things that were not comfortable for her but did it the right way and that is how she was able to win. She believes in her coaches and what they tell her to do, she applies it and that is what makes her as good as she is.”
Lizzy really appreciates the unity of her team and how it pushes her to improve. “My favorite part is the synergy, like how close we are as a team and how fun it is to all be together and have one goal to do well together,” she said. “It’s a really good atmosphere and it’s always fun. Synergy signifies teamwork, and when one of us is swimming or a few of us are swimming it’s

like we are all swimming.”
Lizzy is looking forward to the postseason. “I am really excited for the end of this season because I think the team will do really well,” she said. “ I am looking forward to continue to better my times and make myself be a better swimmer.”