Artist Profile: Connor McDevitt

Artist Profile: Connor McDevitt

 Emma Reilly, Reporter

Art has always been an important part of senior and student artist Connor McDevitt’s life. Connor was exposed to the world of art for the first time while he lived in Spain from the ages of eight to twelve. “I didn’t really play soccer like everyone else in Spain, so I did tons of art. My friend and I would spend every weekend doing art. For hours,” he said.

Connor working on a piece in Graphics. Photo by: Maura Kelley

Connor’s passion for art followed him as his family came to the United States when he was in middle school. He began to pursue art in a more serious way as he grew older. “I took a painting class with a German lady at her house when I was 11,” he said. Other than this, Connor’s only mentor in art at this age was himself. In Saxe Middle School, he got into the Challenges in Art program, which was where he was first taught advanced art in school.Last year, as a junior, Connor was the only student to take the Sculpture II class with Mrs. Core at NCHS. Connor said, “What administration did was they scheduled my class at the same time as the Sculpture I class. I just did more advanced work than them.”

A crucial part of Connor’s aesthetic career was when he received a scholarship to an arts program at Purchase College this past summer. He sculpted, drew, and painted. “It was a really amazing learning experience,” he said. “I don’t think I got many final products, but it was definitely a great place for development and I learned about essential art skills.”

A piece from Connor’s AP Studio Art: Drawing class.

Connor does not limit himself to one medium of art. He began his art career at NCHS during his Freshman year with courses such as Sculpture I and Intro to Photography, and he continued on through the rest of his highschool years with classes like Drawing, Narrative Filmmaking, Painting, and Sculpture II. Currently, Connor is taking an AP Studio Art Drawing and Graphics I, and he plans to take 3-D Animation later in the year.

Connor’s fearlessness in pursuing all forms of art is something his teachers admire. NCHS Art Teacher Ms. Core said, “He is not afraid to experiment with a variety of media, often combining one or two different types of drawing or painting techniques.”

Connor’s art teachers also have a lot of faith in him and his art. They know he has a passion for art that will never leave him. “Connor takes great pleasure in the process of art making and also works intuitively, allowing
his work to remain fresh and interesting,” said Ms. Core.

Connor’s finalized piece from his AP Art Concentration project.

Connor also enjoys expressing his voice through his artwork. He is not only interested in visual art, but music as well. He took an orchestra course sophomore year, and for his P Art Concentration, his theme is to portray aspects of music in his artwork. “He has a creative voice that is uniquely his own,” Ms. Core said. “He expresses his love of music and art making in each work he makes.” Connor plans to continue his art path in college and beyond, as he is actively searching and applying to art schools. “If I don’t get into them, I will try and go to a school with a good art program,” Connor said.

Connor working on a graphic in Mr. Cebulski. Photo by Maura Kelley
Connor working on a graphic in Mr. Cebulski. Photo by Maura Kelley

Wherever Connor goes in the future, he will take his passion for art with him, just like he did from Spain to America years ago.

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