App of the week: Shazam

App of the week: Shazam

Bryn Pennetti
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

Think back – you’re walking through a store and all of a sudden- a song comes on that you really like but you can’t hear it well enough to get the name of it. ‘Is that the chorus? The title has to be in it somewhere… Maybe if I write some of the lyrics down I can search it later…’

We’ve all been there, but Shazam fixes that daily struggle.

Shazam is an app that instantly recognizes whatever song might be playing around you. Just touch the Shazam button and the app “listens” to the music. Once it recognizes the song it gives you the title, artist, album and option to play it and download it on iTunes. Below are several other options relating to the song like YouTube videos containing the music, info about the artist, lyrics, concerts, and much more.

Shazam is available for iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Blackberry, Nokia Windows Phone 7 and iPad. With this app, you’ll never miss a beat.