Holly Santero, Reporter
Have you ever wondered what it takes to construct a drone or build your own app? Students can get the chance to see projects much like those at this year’s Tech Night. New Canaan is holding its 9th annual Tech Night this year on Thursday, April 16 at the high school from 6:30 to 8 PM. With fifty to sixty presentations from both high school and middle school students, Tech Night will feature projects including scratch programming, web design, video production and even robotics.

“Imagine a big science fair in the cafeteria with robots moving all over the place,” said Director of Digital Learning, Dr. Rob Miller.
The work shown at Tech Night presents a vast range of student skills and keys in on students’ personal interests. “Most of the presentations that I have seen in the past have not been about a specific class, but about what the students are individually excited about and working on,” Technology Integration teacher, Tom Honohan said. “I’ve seen almost anything and everything you could think of.”
Apart from contributing ideas and presentations, the Techxperts, students who provide technological support at the high school, are also incorporated into the production of this year’s Tech Night. “What’s different about this year is that the Techxperts are going to be helping set up and break down Tech Night as well as providing technological support for the presenters and showing middle schoolers how we do things here at the high school,” Mr. Honohan said.

Spencer Reeves, a freshman Techxpert who has been actively involved in this year’s Tech Night, is excited to see what students will be presenting this year. “I’ve been going to Tech Night for the past three years,” Spencer said. “I really liked seeing everybody else’s projects because they have all been so cool and different each year.”
Although the presentations may be the highlight of Tech Night for some attendees, others are impressed by the amount of dedication put into creating those presentations, and see Tech Night as a great opportunity for students interested in technology. “The students who present are so passionate and are just doing it for fun without getting a grade, which impresses me a lot,” Mr. Honohan said. “Students interested in technology have said that Tech Night is like their state championship or Super Bowl. It’s their time to shine.”