Sarah Maddox
News Editor
The annual Freaky Friday will be held this Friday, Dec. 13 during the lunch block in the cafeteria, led by the Student Advocates. It provides an opportunity for different grades and social groups to sit together and interact. “The Student Advocates feel that the cafeteria is one of the places in the school with the biggest divisions,” Student Advocates advisor Cynthia Rivera said. Their goal is to blur unnecessary social lines in our school.
This year, some necessary changes have been made to the event; for example, the ice breaker activity on each lunch table is more open than last year’s edition. Instead of more specific, closed questions, students can roll a die to discuss a more general theme, such as sports. These themes will hopefully make for comfortable conversation more quickly than last year.
The Student Advocates will also see that the tables are arranged in a more organized and productive fashion, and there won’t be a shortage of candy this year.
Students are looking forward to the social event. “I’m very excited for Freaky Friday because it gives me an opportunity to blend with the school, and the freshmen can make friends with the upperclassmen which makes the community that much better,” Junior Grayson Bubrosky said.
Although Freaky Friday is a small event at NCHS, the Student Advocates stress the importance of it. Student Advocate member Sara Wilson said, “It’s very important because it allows so many high school social barriers to come down.”
Student Advocate Charlie Lennihan agreed, saying, “Freaky Friday has the ability to create a more unified community by the simple act of conversation.”