“A step in the direction of normalcy”- NCHS removes mask mandate

“A step in the direction of normalcy”- NCHS removes mask mandate

Hayley George, Reporter

Online school, hybrid schedules, and masks have made up the student experience since 2020. Normalcy, however, returned with the most recent potential mask policy issued by superintendent Bryan Luizzi, stating that masks are now optional.

Prior to vacation, students voted on an Instagram poll. The results are sen in the graph above. However, after the break, the number of unmasked students is much higher than 64%.

Students like Sophomore, Katie Funk, had yet to experience the halls without masks. “I’m so used to wearing a mask now, especially in school, that I think it will be a big change to see the full faces of everyone and for it to feel normal again like it did pre-covid,” Katie said.

Some students were more hesitant to take off their masks. “I am hesitant because I want to take it off since I am so sick of wearing one and I just want it to be over, but at the same time I want to be safe and make sure I’m keeping everyone around me safe as well,” Katie said. 

While students were wary about their choice to continue or not continue to wear a mask, Principal William Egan encourages all students to make the decision based on what makes them feel comfortable. “I hope that our students will be supportive of whatever choice people choose to make,” he said.

Although Mr. Egan hopes our students are supportive, the possibility for ‘mask-shaming’ is still present. Overbearing questions concerning the security of personal information are at risk, such as personal or family health history. “The superintendent was clear that everyone will have the choice. They can share whatever they are comfortable sharing,” Mr. Egan said. “If they want to just wear the mask and say ‘well, it’s my choice to wear the mask,’ that’s great.” 

The rise of masks marks a turning point in the return to ‘pre-covid’ life. “Now we are back, and now masks are being lifted and I think it’s just going to feel like another step towards normalcy,” Mr. Egan said.