2018 Senior Prom Fashion Show

2018 Senior Prom Fashion Show

Caroline Castle, Senior Editor

Many students are familiar with the Senior Prom Fashion Show, an event hosted to help raise money for the post-prom party. Seniors are able to participate as a model, backstage helper, or an emcee, and show off their modeling skills in front of their peers, teachers, and families. Although the majority of students are aware of the basic idea and concept of the show, not many know about the preparation, time, and effort that goes on behind the curtains.

Senior Annie Minaglia plays a role in this year’s show as an emcee. She explains how she and the others work towards getting the show ready. “We prepare by meeting with the volunteers that organize the entire show. Along with these meetings, everyone who is participating in the fashion show has to come to rehearsals so we know exactly what we are doing,” she said.

Annie gives insight on what the emcees, specifically have to do in order to prepare for the show. “We are given a script and we change it to fit how we would actually speak and to go along with our personalities,” she says. “The emcees add commentary and jokes as the seniors come onto the stage to model their outfits.”

Not only is Annie participating as a model and an emcee, she is also working on an introduction video that will play before the models come on stage. “The video is going to add some lighthearted comedy and will be used as a way to warm up the audience to what is about to happen. I believe this will just add some fun pizzaz to the show,” she said.

Senior Rachel Panzano, one of the models in the show, is participating the fashion show as a way to try something new and out-of-the-box. Showing off a prom dress from Lord & Taylor, she says, “I had the opportunity to go to the store with my friends and pick out dresses I thought would be good to model on stage. I really wanted to pick something unique and something I wouldn’t usually wear because I wanted to have fun with it,” she said. “I believe this fashion show is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.”

Alongside the girls, senior Christian Parrott will be showcasing as a model and an emcee. He is also helping organize the entire show with the volunteers. He says, “I’m working with the parents and planning out the technical side of things, including the videos that will be shown between the three acts. I’m using my connections within the school, including the NCTV crew, to make sure the show runs smoothly.” Christian also adds, “It has taken a lot of time and resources to put this show together, so it should all come together in the end to make everything great.”

With many meetings, dress fittings, and rehearsals, senior students have been working hard with parent and faculty volunteers to put on the fashion show and raise money for their post-prom.