Scarring Childhood Moments

Lizzy Burke

Features Editor

Childhood is a time for change, because each day, we grow and experience new things. However, some of these experiences may not have always been the most pleasant. Every high school student has had their fair share of embarrassing or traumatizing incidents in those pre-pubescent years. Flannery O’Connor once said, “Anybody who has survived his childhood has enough information about life to last him the rest of his days.” For one of your fellow classmates, this scare to their survivalcame at the ripe age of nine years old.

The best places in town to get holiday drinks

Molly Stine

The holiday season brings for New Canaanites gift shopping, house decorating and sledding (weather permitting). But the most anticipated part of the season appears in coffee shops around town. The love of holiday drinks runs deep and as you can imagine, things can get pretty heated (no pun intended) over who makes them the best. NCHS students have evaluated where they think the best spot in town is to get a holiday drink during the season. Whether it’s Zumbach’s, Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, everybody has a personal preference.

Forget the Common App- Sing 32 Bars!

Emilie Kushner
Senior Editor

While seniors buckled down to make November first deadlines, the few students hoping to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or Bachelor of Music (BM) program are in a different mindset. Supplements and test scores are the least of their worries – auditions however can make or break them.