10 things I love, 10 things I hate (pt. 5)

10 things I love, 10 things I hate (pt. 5)


1) Dropping your iPhone face down and picking it up *no crack*

2) Using the Rangers as an excuse for incomplete homework assignments

3) Beezing (google it)


4) Receiving a package in the mail; simple yet exhilarating

5) Waking up early on Saturday mornings to caddy only to discover it’s pouring outside

6) The countdown until DMB

7) Sauntering around Camillo’s like you own the place

8 ) 99 cent menus

9) Sonic commercials…even though I have yet to see one in Connecticut =(

10) Drinking Orangina from those genie bottles



1) When the madre walks into my room while I’m bumping a song with explicit lyrics

2) The guy from optimum commercials. So damn smug.

3) When your cable box feels the need to “boot”

4) Shakespeare. You could slip a sanskrit slate into my hands I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. (sorry McAteer)

5) When you say one funny quote from a movie, and some kid who over heard goes on to recite the entire script

6) Forgetting to crack a window on hot days thus turning your car into a kiln

Black licorice. Sponsored by the grim reaper.

7) That one kid who corrects teachers when they misread a word or number even though everyone else knows what the teacher meant to say

8 ) Struggling to put on socks when your feet are already somewhat sweaty

9)  Solo encounters in the graffiti hallway

10) Black licorice. Unless of course you enjoy the taste of death.
