Kate Gilhool
Associate Editor

- A little more than two months left of high school for the class of 2012.
- Opening up iTunes and remembering that you downloaded two hours worth of new tunes that you’ve yet to hear.
- Finding money in a coat or pant pocket.
- Going to Costco to eat all of the samples – mmm, nice and tasty free meal.
- When your mom does a big grocery shop.
- Receiving something in the mail that you forgot you ordered.
- Waking up to a thunderstorm.
- Finding out that you have a hidden talent.
- Being able to relate to every #whatshouldwecallme
- Brushing your teeth and dribbling toothpaste down the front of your shirt.
- Walking out of ‘Project X’ and realizing that you weren’t actually at the party.
- Not knowing what the weather is like outside because we’re locked in this windowless prison.
Cute! Photo from www.freelanceadvisor.co.uk - When the cafeteria runs out of gnocchi on Pasta Friday before I get any.
- The first sunburn of the season- feel the burrrrn baby.
- A zit on an important day, or worse, picture day.
- Blowing your nose in front of people.
- When teachers list off all of your missing assignments the day before the quarter ends.
- When you’re woken up in the middle of a really good dream.
- Realizing that you have spinach stuck in your teeth from the salad you ate two hours ago. Embarrassing.