10 Things I Love, 10 Things I Hate (pt. 3)


"Okay fine, 50 people...just big enough to be cool." www.filmofilia.com

1) “Computer Lab” days

2) Project X. Although I don’t see how I can ever have fun again after watching that movie…

3) This song from Project X

4) The fact that the outback booked Aer (nobody knows how…)

5) Saying YOLO when in doubt of a decision

6) Finding a premium Ticonderoga in the hall

7) When the lunch ladies unlock the muffin vault of life

Will the new game dethrone tricky? Impossible. wikipedia.com

8) SSX

9) Grooveshark.com

10) This commercial



1) Synching your ipod/ iphone

2) Hearing threads break when you put on clothes

3) Saying goodbye to someone then seeing them again before you peace

4) Elevator rides with strangers

fb format changes really ruffle my feathers... www.maketecheasier.com

5) Not knowing if those still headlights in the distance are a cop or not

6) Timeline for facebook

7) When you go to give someone a dap and they throw up a pound

8) Sneezing while brushing your teeth (it will eventually happen to you too…)

9) Letting someone borrow your calculator fully aware you wont see it for another three days

10) Perforated edges. Unless you’re big meech and roll around with Five Stars, trying to remove loose-leaf cleanly from a notebook is as hard as sneaking in an f-bomb around Rearick
