Gogo Jones
Sports Editor/ Bauce
1) Those classic blow horns before every hood rat rap song

2) Splashing cold water on my face after an all-American shave
3) Pillaging sample-size shampoo bottles from premium hotels
4) Fondue. Straight up cheddar-I don’t fuxwitda gorgonzola
5) Seeing 5+ notifications on my facebook page (happens maybe twice a year…)
6) Messing around with a basketball and hitting some unreal ¾ court shot
7) Louis Armstrong’s voice- it’s like a flannel for my eardrums
8 ) Throwback snacks…what’s good dunkaroos
9) Fire drills during your least favorite class
10) This video
1) When the plastic ends of your shoelaces break apart and getting them back through the holes is like preforming brain surgery
2) When a sick friend takes a sip from your drink #judas
3) When your DVR recording ends early because it “ran out of space”. Smh…
4) Unit conversions

5) Stopping at a stoplight next to someone you vaguely know
6) When Safari “quits unexpectedly”
7) Having to get Christmas presents for siblings- homemade cards don’t make the cut anymore
8 ) When my dad makes me pick up sticks after a storm
9) Burning your tongue and thus ruining everything you consume later that day
10) When a gremlin commits arson in your nasal passage aka you snarf on soda