Eliana Bukai, Reporter
Boredom is becoming an every-day challenge as we are forced to social distance, quarantining ourselves. As we are unable to leave our homes we are faced with more hours of free time, and nothing to do with them. Spending more time at home, however, means spending more time with family. These harmless pranks, perfect for quarantine, can help to cure your boredom, and you’ll get the chance to bother your siblings (just a little bit!) in the process.
1). Not so minty toothpaste:
- It can be difficult to run errands when you’re quarantined at home. Low on toothpaste? Feel free to take your sisters, but don’t leave her with an empty tube! Switch out toothpaste for shaving cream and she’ll never know the difference… until she brushes her teeth, of course.
2). Taste the rainbow:
- Likely, your sibling keeps a toothbrush near their toothpaste, so why not mess with that too? Simply drop a little food coloring onto the center of their toothbrush. When your sibling starts to brush their teeth and their mouth turns blue, they’ll probably be a little concerned. (For bonus points, use red food coloring. Your siblings won’t know why they’ve suddenly started to lose so much blood! This is not recommended for young siblings).
3). Oreos, mint edition:
- Snacks during quarantine are crucial, and if supermarket trips are limited, it’s important to make sure your siblings don’t eat all the Oreos! If you have toothpaste leftover from a previous prank, simply switch it with the oreo filling. You’ll be able to eat the filling (undeniably the best part), and will simultaneously teach your brother a lesson…
4). Chocolate covered eggs:
- Quarantined, you might start to look for new hobbies. That’s why, even if you don’t bake regularly, your siblings won’t be surprised if you offer them a treat. Chocolate covered eggs are usually delicious, but less so if a real, raw egg is inside.
5). Pencils that don’t work:
- Adapting to online school during quarantine is a difficult process, but luckily the day is filled with plenty of breaks. If you notice your sibling has left their desk for a couple minutes, cover the tips of their pencils with clear nail polish. When they return, they won’t be able to write and as long as you leave behind no evidence, they’ll have no idea why!
6). Turn on the lights!
- Another fun prank that will bother your siblings is to tape down a light switch in the off position, using clear tape. When they return to their desk from an online school break and find a dark room, their first instinct will be to turn on the light- but with the tape, this will be difficult.
7). Invisible shield:
- This classic prank will annoy your siblings for sure. Cover any doorway they walk through often with plastic wrap at eye level, then simply sit back and watch. If they’re in a rush or looking down at their phone, soon they’ll definitely get a face full of plastic wrap.

8). Keyboard shortcut:
- If you’re able to access your siblings phone at all, a simple keyboard shortcut is a perfect, easy to do quarantine prank. In the settings app on an iphone you are able to change auto text settings. Switch out the word “ok” for any phrase your sibling might find embarrassing. Next time they type the word, your phrase will appear instead. (Based on personal experience, swapping “no” for “yes!!” also works great!).
9). Ew! Bugs!
- Another classic, this prank might send your siblings running. Print out a picture of either a spider or cockroach and tape it to the inside of a lampshade. When your brother turns on the light and sees the outline of a huge spider, you definitely will have succeeded in creeping him out.

10). Garbage explosion:
- This prank might make a small mess, but is perfect for bothering your siblings during quarantine. If they have a foot press garbage can in their room, tape a piece of paper inside the garbage can (as shown below) and set some flour on top of it. Now, simply wait until your sibling needs to throw something out.

It’s important to cooperate and get along with siblings- especially when you’re enclosed in the same house together during quarantine, but a few pranks shouldn’t hurt. Attempt these at your own risk, however, as you may face retaliation….