Spectator Literary Magazine Steps Up a Technological Level

Spectator Literary Magazine Steps Up a Technological Level

Abby Weiss, Story Editor


Ever since 1961, NCHS Spectator Literary Magazine has showcased the literary and artistic abilities of students. It publishes their poems, short stories and photographs. In the past decade, it has won five awards of recognition from the nationally regarded coalition, National Council of Teachers of English, and has earned it’s place as one of the top school literary magazines in the state.  

Kate Reeves explains the different features of the website that will enhance club participation. Photo by Alexandra Harte

However, this year it’s editors are taking the club on a different course by designing a website. Student work will be displayed throughout the year instead of at the end through the printed version. This new website will include short stories, photos, films, and broadcasting pieces.  

Maggie Hamill, the club’s advisor, thinks that while maintaining the printed version is important, it will increase the club’s reputation in a tech-heavy environment. “Digital publication is a popular thing among not just literary, but every major magazine,” she said. “We want to present some of our work in digital form as a way to allocate information without people having to talk to one of the editors or know a friend in the club.”

The website contains many accessible features that will be updated weekly such as Poem of the Week, Featured Work, and How to Submit and Announcements. Many events associated with Spectator will be listed on the website such as the Grace Farms art galleries and New Canaan Library workshops.

Senior co-editor Danielle Klapper hopes to to expand Spectator’s role of being an academic resource. “If you have a final draft and your teacher is not available to edit your piece, Spectator can,” she said. “We really focus on helping people and improving their work grammatically and content-wise.”

Danielle feels that participants have learned a lot from being involved with the magazine. “Knowing other people’s interpretations of things in a laidback setting really broadens your own perspective,” she said. “The discussion about the pieces allows our club to dissect the pieces and find the purpose of each piece.” 

Members look forward to Spectator meetings every week. Photo by Alexandra Harte

Junior co-editor Kate Reeves believes there are many benefits to getting involved with the magazine, whether it’s coming to meetings or submitting work. “It’s a great way to expose yourself to a passion you may of not known you had,” she said. “Even if you’re not a writer yourself you’d be amazed at the work people of NCHS submit.”

Kate’s plan for the website was shaped by the magazine’s purpose. “Writing has always been a way to leave a legacy,” she said. “With Spectator publishing the work of students through art, photo, film, poetry or writing, students have that opportunity.”

Ms. Hamill’s goal for the website involves expanding the club and gaining more participants. “Taking on the website is another layer, it’s a way to grow the club not only with more roles available but as a way of communication where more people will submit work,” she said. “We’re hoping to get more student voices in the magazine.”