Jasper Tucker: a triple-threat on the sea, in school and on the Carnegie-Hall Stage

Jasper Tucker: a triple-threat on the sea, in school and on the Carnegie-Hall Stage

Kayla Beck, Reporter

Senior Jasper Tucker is not only a high-honors student, but is also involved in a year-round sport, music practices, and performances. Everyday is full of school work, as well as after school activities. Jasper is at the top of every activity including Crew and classes, and has even performed in Carnegie Hall for orchestra.

One of Jasper’s biggest struggles was learning how to cope with his busy schedule. “I balance the stress of one off the other. If I come home from a really tough workout, I relax by playing cello and when symphony is hard one day, I just go and row,” he said.

Jasper rows for New Canaan Crew, and fell in love with how different the sport is. “I really love the team atmosphere, and being in a boat working together with 8 people,” Jasper said. “For rowing, everyone has to work together and be in the same mindset when your training. We all inspire each other and that has kept me with it, that drive to improve,” he said.

Along with his athletic achievements, Jasper can also add his musical accomplishments to his resume. Jasper picked up the cello in 3rd grade and it was the first instrument that really stuck. This past June, Jasper took his skills onstage to the next level, playing at Carnegie Hall, “Just being in that space, with that audience, in that environment, was definitely something that I’m probably not going to get again,” Jasper said.

However, Jasper’s success is not without hard work. Mr Ficks, an orchestra teacher at New Canaan High School, has seen Jasper grow not only a great cello player, but a student as well. “He’s one of the students who always is putting out 100% effort, every day. I can’t even think of a time he has slacked off, which is very unique,” he said.

Jasper’s hard work is also accompanied by a lot of talent. “He was one of our better players even when he was a freshman or sophomore, and he’s only improved from there,” Mr Ficks said.

Jasper not only applies his hard work to rowing and orchestra, but to his school work as well.